Delivery Information

Service Update: Due to unexpected high volume parcels and nature of our frozen products, the orders for customers somtimes being disposed of by the DPD depot as delayed and our customers could not receive them on your selected date. Since we OOLIOS cannot control and sort out these issues with DPD through communication, we cannot resend your order or refund your order. Thanks for your understanding.
  • Order Confirmation

    Once you've placed your order we will send you an order confirmation email, detailing what you bought, cost and delivery option.

    If you aren't receiving emails from us, please check your junk folder and add us to your safe list. If you're still having problems, please contact us and we will be happy to help!

    Shall you have any questions of your orders please contact us and please note that there will be an one-time off admin charge fee £3 for amendment of orders.
  • Shipping and Carriage

    Our shipping charges are based on the weight of your order and to calculate a reasonable price. You should receive your order Delivery Date on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All of our goods are securely packed and shipped using national courier services.

  • Delivery charge

    Weekday Standard Delivery: every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Standard Delivery to Home (Third-party courier)

    From £ 8.5 + per consignment.
    Free shipping on orders £ 60 and over.

    Due to the natural of goods and service period of the courier, we do not offer Scottish Highlands / Islands / Saturday delivery.
    Due to Brexit policy, we are unable to offer Northern Ireland and EU area delivery. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

 Important notes when purchasing from     

  1. We do not offer Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Bank Holiday deliveries.
  2. We use a third party courier for our deliveries which can be made any time between 07:00am- 09:00pm. There would be delayed service due to the weather. Please ensure you are at home between these hours to accept the delivery. At present we are unable to offer a text notification service of the time of arrival. 

    Please note that all our frozen foods are made without preservatives. The frozen packaging is a double-layer ice-preserving package. The carrier will deliver at room temperature. Please be sure there is someone available to receive the parcel. Please put the foods in the freezer immediately after receiving to maintain the quality of the foods.

    Please note that it is the receivers’ responsibility to ensure that someone is available on the delivery date. The manufacturer holds no responsibility should the food quality deteriorates due to this matter.

  3. Please confirm that someone can pick the parcels up on the delivery date, and please must fill in your mobile phone number when you check out.

  4. Due to prevent having issues with legal ownership and damaging the goods, OOLIOS cannot place the goods you ordered in your backyard or other places belong to your own property, if you have instructed the courier to leave safe places, OOLiOS are not reposible for loss or damages of your parcel under the circumstance.

  5. Any amended of orders due to personal reason e.g.: delivery date / order cancellation, There will be a one-off admin fee - £ 3.00 ( Inc. VAT ) / each time. We appreciate your kindest understanding regarding this matter.

  6. The delivery time may be delayed due to traffic congestion and the miserable weather, please be sure there is someone available to receive the parcel on the delivery date, and keep the foods in the freezer immediately after receiving the parcel.

  7. Damage in transit : 
    In the unlikely event that you receive any goods that appear to have been damaged in transit please contact us immediately on receipt with photos or videos as reference so that we can inform the carrier and rectify this with you. We do advise that all deliveries are visually checked in the presence of the carrier and any suspected damage signed for as such.




  • 訂單確認



  • 貨品運送

    您會於結帳時選擇您的到貨日期,我們會於 每週二、三及週五 進行配送。

    請注意,我們的保冷包裝可在到達時將冷凍物品保持在 3°C 以下。我們使用快遞(隔日)送貨方式,以確保您的產品質量達到最佳。冷凍的物品可能在表面略有解凍,但仍符合食品安全狀態,可以立即放入冷凍或食用。因此請確保在送貨當日有人收件,並收到包裹後,請立即將這些物品放入冰箱冷凍保存。
  • 冷凍食品包材與運費


    運送費用自£ 8.5起跳
    £ 60以上的訂單免運費

    其他地區 包含 蘇格蘭高地、蘇格蘭島嶼區域無法提供配送服務。另因英國脫歐政策,北愛爾蘭、愛爾蘭共和國及歐盟部分區域停止配送服務,還請見諒!



  1. 星期六、日、一、四及國定假日無法提供送貨服務。

  2. 因當地路況與送貨路線安排的關係,送貨時間將會在送貨當天早上7:00 至晚上 9:00 之間,OOLIOS 無法提供準確的到貨時間,請您確認送貨當天有人能在送達地址簽收貨物。此外,配送服務可能因氣候狀況而有延遲問題,還請見諒!

    請注意!由於我們的冷凍食品,食材新鮮,生產後採用急速冷凍,無添加防腐劑,並採用雙層保冰冷凍包裝運輸,貨運公司常溫配送,所以請務必確認送貨當天有人收件,收到後並請立即放入冷凍保存,以確保產品品質。如無人收件導致產品退冰、腐壞,OOLIOS 恕不負責。

  3. 當貨物配送過程中:貨運公司將會在送貨當天早上訊息通知您貨物大約到達時間,因此請您下單時請務必留手機號碼。

  4. 為避免法律歸屬與貨物損壞,OOLIOS 無法將您訂的貨物放置在您的後院或是其他關於您自家財產的地方。若您已透過物流系統告知配送員放置您指定的安全地點或鄰居代收,OOLIOS將不負包裹遺失或損壞的責任。

  5. 若因個人因素而提出以下服務:更改訂單 / 更改配送日期 / 取消訂單,我們需加收人工處理費用£ 3.00 ( inc. VAT ) / 每次,請您理解。

  6. 交貨時間可能會因交通狀況而改變。請您確保有人可以在交貨日期接收包裹,並在收到包裹後立即將食物放入冷凍保存。

  7. 運送中貨品損壞:萬一您收到的貨物有任何運送過程中損壞的現象,請在24小時內 與我們聯繫並附上照片或影片佐證,以便我們通知貨運公司處理。


OOLIOS © 2024